The Devil’s Wife 4: Threads of sunshine

The Devil’s Wife 4: Threads of sunshine

12 March 2017

devil careers workopolis com

She looked out of the window and saw a gloomy sky filled with clouds from where the rain was falling on the flowers in the garden . It was such a rare sight that she took the time to watch as the drops fell first softly on the petals and then more heavily slowly filling up the pots where the flowers were arranged neatly at the edge of the lawn. She could almost sense the soil getting engorged with the pouring rain.


She fought back the urge to run out into the garden and dance in the rain like she had done a couple of weeks before and instead slowly lowered the curtains cutting off her view. She had sensed his presence behind her and it seemed he wanted to talk to her now while it had been a few weeks that he had remained silent. She turned towards him and asked if he wanted her to be seated and he answered that he did not mind either way. It irritated her that he seemingly gave her the choice while she felt that lately it was he who was making all the decisions. She glanced at her toes stubbornly, taking her time to respond. He laughed gently mocking her and calling her a spoilt brat. She sighed and finally chose to sit seemingly opposite him


She glanced at the watch and noted that like every time he came the clock digits added up to one of the numbers between 6, 8 and 10 or were a repetition of the same number. Right now, the clock was indicating 3:33. It does not mean anything, he said. That too irritated her, as she clucked internally against his propensity to predict her reactions and comment upon what she was thinking. I can do more, he said. Like what, she answered defiantly knowing very well what he meant. You know what, he said still smiling, his face immense behind her eyelids as she insistently closed them to avoid looking at where he was standing. She mentally dared him to and he made her lift an arm first sideways and then up as if she were waving to someone. I could be doing that on my own and not you controlling my limbs, she voiced sullenly and he made her tilt abruptly her head to one side and then to the other repeatedly. Really, he said mockingly again though his touch on her back was tender. What about frontwards she said and he refused saying her shoulders were too knotted and he would hurt her if he were to do that. Then again that might just convince you to stop daring me he said as he gently massaged the base of her neck and shoulders easing the strain at the back of her neck.


All of a sudden, he ceased his massage and abruptly made her head tilt forward and sway to the right with her left hand lifting high above her head and madly moving from one side to the other. She felt no pain but was irritated again at how easy it was for him to do that without even touching her. He laughed again and her irritation disappeared as his handsome smiling face loomed in front of her closed eyelids. She turned around and kissed him and once again was amazed at how that simple gesture could totally stop anything else he was making her do and be filled with the desire to please her. He kissed her back, lips softening against hers and letting go of her hands and head which stopped their swaying movements.


Where have you been these past weeks she reproached and he grinned his childish devilish grin that always made her catch her breath. I have been right here with you he said but you were distraught, not paying attention to me so I let you have some alone time. I don’t want alone time she voiced against his lips her eyes wide open now. Really, he chuckled making her right arm lift again and wave madly. Jabberwocky he said laughing and she could not resist laughing too. You’re such a devil she said, still smiling and he let go of her making his way towards the curtains which he raised slowly. The rain had stopped and threads of sunshine invaded the room as the curtains slowly lifted. I like to watch you in the light these days he said his shimmering figure set against the backdrop of a beautiful rainbow as the sun literally clung to him…


The Devil’s tears – Angus & Julia Stone

All of Me – Angus & Julia Stone

For You – Angus & Julia Stone



6 thoughts on “The Devil’s Wife 4: Threads of sunshine

    • Thank you Mihran. Indeed, a lot can be contained between the lines. I will check your facebook blog but feel free to post them yourself as well as I think it is easier when it is your own page. Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Sounds like she is a marionette and the husband/boyfriend is Geppetto.

    When I was a little girl and there was a thunder and lightening storm my mother used to say that the devil was beating his wife and sometimes she would say the God was working. Neither saying made any sense to me at the time however Stephen and I had to sit inside a dark house and be quiet. Mom turned off all the lights. Like many things that are passed down from generation to generation there are levels to these expressions that must be dug out like coal from the earth.

    Liked by 1 person

    • What interesting expressions your mother used, this is the first time I hear them. Would the devil really need to beat his wife? I am guessing she would not dare disobey him 😀 . I guess the likening to the puppeteer Geppetto would be very akin to the situation although Geppetto is an old man. Thank you for reading and commenting 🙂


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