Neverending Love

Neverending Love

7 July 2016

flowers vi sualizse us (2)


In heartbeats they stir

Feelings swimming like small fish

Bent upon a wish


The stars are shining

They call to heavenly realms

As waters retract


The pathways shimmer

They are strewn with memories

Of our starlit Times


Decomposing rhymes

I construct you a palace

Built upon rivers


Your name forgotten

As the tides broke the seashore



Rise through the blue waves

That surge from depths of desert

Neverending Love


Reading of the poem: 

flower forumwebmaster com (2)

Fish Beach – Michael Nyman

The Departure – Michael Nyman

Love doesn’t End – Michael Nyman

15 thoughts on “Neverending Love

    • Thank you so much for your kind words. I am glad you were touched by Nyman’s music. I find him an amazing composer and love his works. There is a lot on youtube to pick from 🙂


    • What a beautiful compliment my brother! I feel deeply and am grateful for each and every comment and connection. I always felt that writing and words in general are so important and should be used wisely. It is as if they have a vibratory life of their own 🙂 .


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