In the break of twin daylights

In the break of twin daylights

5 May 2016


purple lonerwolf com.jpg


I love you

Yes I can’t not love

Your shadow

Within me

It builds a seed of morrows

Where giants pave roads


I love moons

That shine on widows

Covered face

Banished grace

Eyes that beat beneath the lace

With hundred sorrows


Tiny heart

Flutters in ribcage

Its shadow

Lost in Earth

Hurtling through an endless space

Between eye and lash


I sink slow

Within inner worlds

They spell voids


Limitless rainbows that curve

Around blue mountains


Inside me

There lies purple tree

It bears fruit

Red blue leaves

Remnants of bosom that heaves

With crust of the Earth


Within sight

There lies a lone star

She beckons

To New Worlds

Where sisters knit the white wombs

That will bear infants


The children

Their hearts make merry

Blue meadows


The plains alive now ringing

With call of the wild


I love you

In infinity

Every face

Is your face

Your heart among every beat

Across blue valleys


I love you

Yet I cannot love

My heart lost


In the break of twin daylights

For I love the suns


Reading of the poem: 

purple theartofsamjfarrand tumblr com

Sinking inside yourself – Hammock

The Silence – Hammock

I can almost see You – Hammock

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