Come play Hyde and see

Come play Hyde and see

22 April 2016

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Do you sleep

Within waking Times

Unknown bliss


Away from your withered hands

The shy bloom destroyed


Do you sleep

Between walking ghosts

They speak night

Bleak darkness

On the other side of light

They draw black patterns


Do you yawn

Waking up tedium

Tight eyelids


Sewn against the remembrance

For what the soul yearns


Do you yawn

Your emblem boredom

As world skids

Out of reach

Reality’s dead fragrance

Reeks morals you preach


Do you know

Pulling the carpet


Your kingdom

The smoke loses its high fires

Seeking a new Gray


Do you know

You see then forget



Your mind’s chosen Sisyphus

Come play Hyde and see


Reading of the poem: 

skies huffingtonpost 2 com

Truman Sleeps – Philip Glass

Gone – Philip Glass

The Hours – Philip Glass

The Kiss – Philip Glass

The Light – Philip Glass

The Illusionist Suite – Philip Glass


16 thoughts on “Come play Hyde and see

  1. I was very intrigued by your poetic words, Geetha. “Do you see and forget” struck me. It seems like it’s a too common mental trait exhibited in our society. Using Hyde and Sisyphus was perfect. A poem for our Times.

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