Know thyself

Know thyself

20 February 2016

breaking wakingtimes com


The dark smarts

Hooded shadows roam

Within night

Their feet slight

Their footsteps lost in silence

Of the blackened arts


The stories

Flowers in bouquet

Some radiant

Some wilted

Series of experiences

All set in the growth



Cast in blue windows

To the soul

There is trail

The heart wizens as I fail

To harken to both



To clicks of the safe

Haven found

Give the keys

Crawl indoors upon your knees

Eat me and grow tall


Watch me fall

With the winter’s sleigh

Downhill ride

Upon snow

Of white feathers plucked out slow

Breaking my bad bone


Clutch it hard

Wish upon my chest

Of treasures

I store none

I gave once my very best

Now I am pauper


In life’s game

There are knights and pawns

Some visit

Royal lawns

Others like window shopper

Roam empty handed


There is shame

In stolen limelight

Fake varnish

Withered ends

If you lie you make amends

To name you tarnish


Know thyself

Meeting at midnight


Soul’s delight

In the twining horizons

Watch grow your own light


Reading of the poem: 

breaking Garden of black roses deviantart com
Courtesy Garden of black roses on

Beautiful Boyz – CocoRosie

Lost girls – CocoRosie

We are on fire – CocoRosie

Fairy paradise – CocoRosie

Gallows – CocoRosie

Lemonade – CocoRosie



20 thoughts on “Know thyself

  1. I spent many years trying to understand other people, so that I could do what they want done and say what they want to hear. In recent years I’ve been discovering more about myself and what I want, what makes me happy. I read somewhere that it’s much like putting oxygen mask when the aircraft is losing cabin pressure – tend to yourself first so that you can help others. I’m still learning but I’m more cognizant about this now 🙂
    Beautiful words, Geetha, thank you ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I wish we started life with this sentiment, to know oneself. It is only when we come to know ourselves that we can truly come to know the world and those around us. Beautiful, Geetha!

    Liked by 2 people

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