Time will not turn back

Time will not turn back

28 January 2016


Time pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Letting go

Has come to a close

Moon was high

Tide was low

I breathe in now deep and slow

Sheltered beginnings


Waves were rough

Felt we’d had enough

On it went

All fear spent

It is time now to rebuild

With love to be filled


Hark now friends

Our lessons are learnt

Hearts empty

Room plenty

Weave back those bridges we burnt

In dreams make amends


Cosmic swirl

Heaped in emptiness

The ropes cut

In space hurled

We are no longer alone

On path to oneness


We mend hearts

Quiet minds discontent

The slaves free

The will strong

We now know where we belong

Journey to sunshines


They will fight

Invoking all might

Thunder clear

Banished fear

Can you see why we are here?

They no longer rule


While we toil

Building tomorrow

Only fool

Unkempt heart

Would not wish for the fresh start

Freedom is by choice


Green paper

A thing of the past

Heart scraper

Vanished fast

Clinging on to glory spent

Brings not life unbent


Two to three

Witnesses of loss

Stones rolling

Gather moss

Winds will stop we will be free

The rulers outcast


Make merry

Or make war a truth

I give you

Golden child

Spare the wasted harmony

Time will not turn back


Reading of the poem: 

Time cnn com
Courtesy cnn.com


New Beginnings – Future World Music

World of Dreams – Future World Music

Final Judgement – Future World Music

Leap of Faith – Future World Music

Time Keepers – Future World Music

Quest for Freedom – Future World Music

Victory of Life – Future World Music

56 thoughts on “Time will not turn back

  1. Geetha!
    That was a beautiful recitation of the Poem.
    Yes! Time shall not turn back.
    I wanted to know how did you insert the audio into the post.
    If you tell me, I would also rather try and insert at mine.
    Do brief me stepwise how we can do it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Shiva. For an audio post it is like an image. You first record the audio (I use iphone memo recorder to record) then you press on the image icon in the edit mode of the new post, you choose add, and then you select the place where your recording is and select the recording to upload. Then finally when it has uploaded you press on insert. I hope this helps. Happy recording 🙂


      • Geetha!
        I did as you said recorded and put it in my pictures and wanted to upload but it is telling such files are not allowed try another. I am not getting to see the image icon. Could you brief me on that. There might be some mistake that I have done. I have scheduled my new poem for Monday 1st feb 9.09 am.
        Have a nice week end.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Geetha!
        Hope I am not bothering You.
        I did as you said, opened a new post to attempt to do that, but it is again saying-

        “The file could not be uploaded because the file type is not supported”

        What can be done about that, please explore.

        One more thing I had scheduled my new post for today at 9.09 am as per the Indian Std Time but it was not posted I mean it did not get published at the specified time, it seems we are 5.3 Hrs ahead of GMT does that count, should we consider that and keep the schedule. This scheduling I got from my friend in the blog world. I informed about it to them, let me see what answer they have to give.

        Do you also schedule your posts on the time factor which is available at the saved draft option.
        That I found very good for me as I am constrained of time always. If it goes successful, nothing like that, I can just keep the posts ready on saved drafts and let them to publish on the scheduled time. I need not sit on the computer while I am publishing. I can prepare the posts during my leisure time. I hope you understand.
        If you are not using that option, you may do that as it shall be of very good use to you, since you post very frequently.
        Please do reply, throw light upon.
        Thank You,

        Liked by 1 person

        • Hi Shiva, I don’t usually use the scheduling for posting and prefer posting direct. If you are using the old post edit from the dashboard then you might get the type issue. If you are using the new one then you should not have a problem unless you are using a format that is not supported at all by wordpress and there are not that many. I use a format called m4a I think, just the memo recorder of my iphone. You need to edit your post from the new post facility and not from the dashboard that is your old post facility. I hope this helps.


  2. Yes, indeed…we can choose freedom and let go of all the things that don’t matter….it is within us to do so. How precious each breath is. I wish more people could see this. Beautiful poetry, Geetha.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, that is so kind of you to say so. I was just reading your post on tags while I am catching up with most of the reading I have not been able to do in the past 15 days. I did not even know there were stats by tag. I had remained with the last stats based on days and years 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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