Inside hopes flourish

Inside hopes flourish

24 January 2016

hope urbanbushido deviantart com
Courtesy urbanbushido on


This body

Holds on desperate

The lost home

Mere memory

Sinking in silver clad dreams

Ocean of glitter


These strong hands

They built blue castles

Scented roads

Lilac words

Forget-me-nots that murmured

Under reddened skies


The minds strings

Latched upon grey beads



The sprinkled glass of knowledge

That you and I broke


Reaching out

Tendrils spread tender



Spaces blackened by self wish

Thoughts huddled in dark


Ignite spark

I see you within

Where blood flows

Your face glows

Shining echoing through frame

Sustaining my gait


Wizened said

Keep the faith in bloom

Better late

Than never

Forget the count of seconds

The first is trial


Blind wolf wails

Heart in denial



Time folding and space bereft

The dust it calls so


hope archeefeudor com


The grazed knees

The weight took over

Ticking bomb


The shards a landscape of hurt

Heart covered in dirt


Pieces blink

Edge of tomorrow

Timeless brink

Where we sink

Initiation a cross

I carry alone


In dreamtime

I built once a house

Made of glass

And glory

Spent in countless arguments

With me, mine and mind


You hammered

I clung to rooftops

They shattered

Caving fall

The walls the red chimney’s flanks

My insides splattered


Grim inking

We face our regrets

Without shame

Only pain

Surging through the corpses lain

The hope that shines through


Sour faces

The hearts worlds apart


Red inks spots

On blue plains of silence smart

Wincing wish hovers


Free me now

The dust it calls so

Winds tearing

Earth writhing

I have no more seeds to sow

The desert hushes


hope pinterest com Jonathan Earl
Courtesy Jonathan Earl Bowser on


Fairies died

Chains smashing on moon

She winced once

Every chain

Her blue face in pelting rain

Ropes and souls dragged on


I will walk

Into the dead ends

Where we ride


Double talk a way to spin

Stardust and iron


We are more

Though our hopes run thin

Our hearts beat

In our feet

Journeys of thousand battles

New dreams we will build


Now you know

All that is bonded

Only flies


Shackles one’s own demons’ cries

Come forget all sighs


Build a nest

I will fly through skies


Wings flapping

Crossing through dreamtime’s hissing

Darkened lullabies


The sun shines

Where darkness low hides



Its ink in slow tides

Secrets lark confides


Heart compass

North faces the South

Soundless words

Endless rhythm

And though the dust it calls so

Inside hopes flourish


Reading of the poem : 


hope pinterest Jonathan Earl Bowser
Courtesy Jonathan Earl Bowser on

432Hz The Cinematic Orchestra – To Build a Home

Ludovico Einaudi – Nuvole bianche

Ludovico Einaudi – Time Lapse/Life A4=432Hz

Ludovico Einaudi – Experience

Ludovico Einaudi – Fly 432 hz

Ludovico Einaudi – Run A4=432Hz

Ludovico Einaudi – Divenire

26 thoughts on “Inside hopes flourish

  1. This is an extraordinary post to read for my first visit to your blog. It is sort of an epic landscape of emotions in this lyrical form with a strong feeling of melancholy. It was a great pleasure to read and to view.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. In all the dark, dust covered places of the heart and soul, there is hope, hanging on at the end. A glorious set of shadorma, Geetha. Just beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are (excuse my French) FUCKING AMAZING GIRLFRIEND👌🏼 I love your work Geetha Girl💋 G.G. is your nickname now UmmmmmmK 💁🏻❌⭕️❌⭕️


  4. wow there are so many wonderful images and lines and you used my favorite color repeatedly, blue, which makes me insanely happy, but that’s besides the point. I love how you play with language. “Forget-me-nots murmuring,” and the glass metaphor for knowledge is just brilliant. There are so many more poetic gems in here. I wish I had the time to analyze this wonderful poem properly and give each its due consideration and praise. This poem begs for such an appreciation for its thoughtful creation. You are quite a talented poetess. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Melinda. My nickname is Blue. I am thrilled you liked it as I have grown to know you as a keen observer as well as well versed in alternate realities or fantasy land in terms of fairytales and metaphors. Thanks again for your kind words too 🙂


  5. Beautiful, Geetha. Such a sense of trying to get on top of emotions that are dragging the soul. I feel a frustration of trying and wanting to understand something and behind hampered by the past and present. Also getting the feeling of being tired and wanting to be free of sorrows that are dragging us down.

    Very emotional and expressive.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Eric. What an insightful analysis. There is a lot of that as well as interrogations about the future. I believe February and March might be difficult months before the fogs lifts and spring arrives for everyone

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautiful, Geetha. A reminder that one should not lose hope that there will be love and light after the sorrow and pain. I love your sets of Shadorma 🙂 ❤


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