What did you say your name was?

What did you say your name was ?

5 December 2015


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Courtesy dailymail.co.uk


Time loops in waters

Relentless moment’s pursuit

Stillness in shadows


Aching belonging

Surface of the Truths lurking

Lost in specks of sand


Your face remembers

Within the spiralling sparks

The touch of my hand


Eyelids fluttering

What did you say your name was?

I’ve known you somewhere


Eye withered your thoughts

Braced them Amnesia’s bouquets

Fragrant memories


Nose puckering up

The familiar scents crafting

Pictures of me framed


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Ears glistening lobes

Shivering recognition

Stories from my Heart


I coughed up dark ink

Stark memories of morrows

Icy beginnings


You lent me ravens

Sight of hopeful Times seething

Painful the teething


I chewed again hurt

Hidden glass in the morsels

Of taste and of sheens


Driveway to deserts

Actors playing million parts

Screenings in sunrise


The fluttering lids

What did you say your name was?

Let’s begin again


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Courtesy dailymail.co.uk



The Cranberries – When you’re gone


15 thoughts on “What did you say your name was?

  1. Very stirring, Geetha. I feel like I do when I write about loves of lost lifetimes. Seeing something familiar in a strangers face that reminds me why I could have known the and loved them in some other place. So wonderful to read first thing in the morning. Best wishes to you Dear friend and poetess.

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